This package contains two sets of 50 cards (Beseda na dan 1 in Beseda na dan 2), presenting:  

  • basic greetings (Good morning, See you, Have a nice time! …)
  • phrases for speaking polite (Excuse me, You’re welcome, Drive safely!, It happens! …)
  • verbs (to be, to speak, to remember, to must …)
  • conjunctions (and, or, but …)
  • question words (What?, When?, At what time, On which date …)
  • different adverbs (very, a few, again, obviously …)
  • different particles (just, really, more/yet, already …)
  • basic phrases for ordering (I’d like to have, without, cash or card …) and
  • very frequent phrases (Can’t wait!, No problem!, I’ll let you know!, unfortunately …).

There’s a basic word or phrase with some typical examples in Slovene on the front side, and the English translation on the back side.

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